Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Automatic Investment Plan Confirmed

Today, my new Automatic Investment Plan kicked in.

I got 2.1473 shares of Apple (AAPL) at $347.42 per share.

Analyst predict AAPL will go up to at least $400 in the next 18 months.  Watching the charts, this statement is not too far fetched.  Plus, with WWDC 2011 just around the corner, AAPL is poised to release their new Mac OSX version (Lion) and people still hope for a new iPhone 5.  Even if the iPhone 5 does come out in the fall (per rumor mills), AAPL is all but guaranteed to have record sales for 2011 because of the iPad 2, new iMacs, Mac OSX Lion and the iPhone 5 (with some push for the iPods in September).  Also, this weekend marked the first time AAPL beat Google (GOOG) as the world's most valuable brand.  AAPL is kinda down today... most likely from profit takers or mutual funds re-balancing their positions (Like the NASDAQ index).

I got 1.3806 shares of Lululemon (LULU) at $98.51 per share.

Currently, LULU is a bit higher than when I placed my order.Roughly 2-3 points down from the Day's high.  I still believe LULU has some room to run leading to the impending 2-1 stock split in June.  It is also not too far fetched that LULU will be the next Chipotle or Netflix.  High quality brands and room to grow in the US, Europe and Asia.

I got 2.9717 share of Xilinx Inc (XLNX) at $35.67 per share.

I bought some more XLNX ahead of it's X-Dividend date of May 16.  If I had more cash, I'll buy some more.. I'm practically getting paid to buy the stock.  I'll probably lock in some earning or re balance after I get the dividend reinvestment.

With this action, I'm a bit overweight in the Tech Sector.  This is a no no.. but in this case, I think I can ride out the imbalance because of two impending events with my 2 Tech positions.  Apple's WWDC and iPhone 5 and XLNX's X-dividend date.

I'll reconsider my positions as soon as these events pass.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Getting In on APPLE (AAPL)

The market has been down lately... especially on Tech Stocks.

Today, AAPL closed 15.33 down off it's 52-week high. Over 4% drop from the high and from today's range, almost broke the 5% pullback.

I think it's time to get in on AAPL.

Here's why:
1. Close to 5% pullback.
2. WWDC 2011 is coming up in June where Apple is expected to release it's new OS (Mac OSX Lion).  Also, the iPhone 5 might make an appearance (although highly doubtful per analysts and sources close to the matter).
3. A version of the iMac just came out with 2 Thunderbolt ports.
4. The white iPhone 4 finally came out and on WWDC, Apple would probably announce how much white iPhone 4's they sold.
5. RIMM is bringing Black Berry Messenger (BBM) to Android and iOS. This might convince BB users to finally switch to iOS or Android.  Either way, AAPL will have a greater profit margin since they control hardware and software distribution of the iOS devices.
6. Analysts and project AAPL to reach $400 in the next few months.

Therefore, I took $1000.00 from my reserves (which I will not do often) and put in my new Automatic Investment  Plan (to be executed on Tuesday, May 10).  I put in $750 for AAPL which would buy me 2.13 shares (@$350/share + $4 fee).  The $140 will be used to buy LULU that would fetch me 1.44 shares (@$94/share + $4 fee).  LULU is down 9.33% off it's 52-week high of $102.83.  A great way to buy some more LULU ahead of it's expected 2 for 1 stock split and Annual Stockholder's Meeting.  Finally, I allocated $110 to buy 2.94 shares of XLNX (@$36/share + $4 fee).  XLNX has bee rebounding lately and the X-Dividend date is coming up (May 16).  Might as well get those juicy dividends.

I know with my AAPL purchase, I may have 2 tech stocks and would unbalance my diversification.  However, with XLNX rebounding and the dividend distribution coming up, it makes good sense to keep XLNX and AAPL is also a great long term investment.

I will review my opinion of XLNX after the dividend distribution and earnings call.